2nd Grand Prix 2011

July 16th - 17th, 2011        flag       Corum / T

the Results of poule A

rank name MP pts solved pts played %
1. Timur AKKAYA 8 466 845 55,147
2. Halil ALPARSLAN 6 460 840 54,761
3. Haci Arap YAMAN 2 358 580 61,724
4. Ahmet ARSLAN 2 301 575 52,347
5. Özkan KURT 0 119 481 24,740

Best match of poule A: Yaman vs. Kurt: Yaman played 93,60%.
The match Yaman vs. Arslan was not played.

the Results of poule B:

rank name MP pts solved pts played %
1. Koray KIRMAN 6 400 619 64,620
2. Baris CIN 6 356 725 49,103
3. Yavuz ÖNEY 4 369 825 44,727
4. Bekir ÖZYÜREK 4 313 770 40,649
5. Emrah TAC 0 142 629 22,575

Best match of poule B: Kirman vs. Tac: Kirman played 79,79%.

final classement:

rank name MP pts solved pts played %
1. Baris CIN 10 605 1085 55,760
2. Koray KIRMAN 8 606 944 64,194
3. Timur AKKAYA 8 576 1045 55,119
4. Halil ALPARSLAN 6 538 995 54,070
5. Yavuz ÖNEY 4 369 825 44,727
6. Haci Arap YAMAN 2 358 580 61,724
7. Bekir ÖZYÜREK 4 313 770 40,649
8. Ahmet ARSLAN 2 301 575 52,347
9. Özkan KURT 0 119 481 24,740
10. Emrah TAC 0 142 629 22,575