4th national Grand Prix

May 7th - 8th, 2022                Emblem / B

The results:

rank name points tries %
1. Erik VERVLIET 348 147 66,28
2. Walter BAX 333 150 63,42
3. Steve WILMS 323 161 61,52
4. Eric DAELMAN 257 163 48,95
5. Wilfrie VERMEER 215 168 40,95
6. Patrick VLOEMANS ** 145 131 64,44
7. Erwin SEYMUS 129 189 24,57
8. Johan VANDOMMELE * 108 129 36,00
9. Roger EVERAERT * 91 193 30,33
10. Bart van de WIJGERT 68 200 12,95

*Johan Vandommele and Roger Everaert only played 4 sets (saturday)
** Patrick Vloemans played only 3 sets (sunday)

Played system: sets Q-R-S-T-K-L-M, maximum points: 525

  Belgium season-overview                   Belgium Ranking 2021-22