
the new CEB-ranking Individual per January 27th, 2025 Download the pdf here

the new CEB-ranking National Teams per March 10th, 2024 Download the pdf here

Ranking point system:

  1 2 3-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 >32
European Championships 60 41 29 20 12 6  -
National Championships 20 14 10 7 4  -  -
CEB Grand-Prix 40 27 19 13 8 4 2

ranking criteria: 1. points, 2. overall percentage (only GPs and EC), 3. percentage of NC
Minimum percentage for appearance: 10%









all national Masters and other official international tournaments with their percentage, 50% and above:

End of season 2015-16, actalized: July 6th, 2016

# name tournament rank %
1. Hideaki Kobayashi Japan Masters 13 1 82,33
2. Roberto Rojas Copa Aramith 16 1 78,99
3. Michael Hammen French Masters 16 1 76,86
4. Xavier Fonellosa Marseille 15 1 72,22
5. Jean Reverchon Marseille 15 3 70,98
6. Martin van Rhee Dutch Masters 16 2 70,89
7. Baris Cin Marseille 15 5 70,00
8. Walter Bax Marseille 15 4 69,77
9. Kevin Tran Marseille 15 10 68,22
10. Serdar Gümüs Marseille 15 2 67,58
11. Manfred Hekerle Copa Aramith 16 2 67,33
12. Bernd Singer Copa Simonis 16 2 66,84
13. Erik Vervliet Belgium Masters 16 2 66,40
14. Hector Cuadrado Marseille 15 6 65,86
15. Benoît Clement French Masters 16 4 64,69
16. Kouhei Kano Japan Masters 13 2 64,66
17. Juan-Carlos Cuadrado Marseille 15 7 64,304
18. Facundo Prieto Copa Simonis 16 3 64,301
19. René Dericks Dutch Masters 16 4 64,08
20. Naoki Harada Japan Masters 13 3 63,66
21. Madou Touré Marseille 15 8 63,58
22. Jop de Jong Dutch Masters 16 1 63,28
23. Eric Daelman Marseille 15 11 62,72
24. Jean-Luc Miller French Masters 16 3 61,19
25. Hajime Watanabe Japan Masters 13 4 60,33
26. Sander Jonen Marseille 15 12 60,00
27. Victor Campos Mena Copa Aramith 16 4 59,79
28. Bastien Panis Marseille 15 13 58,63
29. Erik Vijverberg Marseille 15 17 57,55
30. Jose Manuel Gomez Spanish Masters 16 3 57,30
31. Emrah Taç Marseille 15 18 56,66
32. Tadashi Machida Japan Masters 13 5 56,00
33. Thomas Ahrens German Masters 15 2 55,46
34. Franz Heigl German Masters 15 3 55,20
35. Halil Alparslan Turkish Masters 15 3 55,05
36. Javier Lopez Copa Simonis 16 4 54,47
37. Alan Campos Copa Aramith 16 5 54,36
38. Jordi Oliver Spanish Masters 16 2 53,81
39. László Kun Hungarian Masters 15 1 53,33
40. László Tóth Hungarian Masters 15 2 52,80
41. Sergio Sanchez Spanish Masters 16 4 52,63
42. Patrick Vloemans Belgium Masters 16 4 52,26
43. Marvin Heinrich German Masters 15 4 52,00
44. Claude Pacetti Marseille 15 19 51,77
45. Alexis Rouaud French Masters 16 7 50,74
46. Dávid Keller Hungarian Masters 15 3 50,13

history of the CEB-ranking:


The CEB decreased the amount of players on the European Championships from 24 to 16 to make the EC cheaper and to get organisations easier.

What they forgot is, that if we play the EC with 16 players there is almost no possibility to come into the EC over the ranking - so there is no more interrest to organize an CEB-GP to get places on the EC.

The Ranking is going to be worthless and almost equal to the EC-Final Classement.
The only relevant factors are the national championships, but there is a big difference in quality between the participating countries.

CEB-Ranking on June 26th, 2008

June 2011:

the CEB decided to raise to 24 players again, the next EC will be 2013 in Brandenburg / Germany.
Unfortunately not the system we played last time in Challans, 2nd round will be KO.

August 2012:

The playing rules of the CEB-GPs were changed in August 2012.