International Invitation Tournament "Interland teams"

May 24th - 25th, 2014      Biljartcentrum "de Marienberger"- Marienberg/ NL

The German participants
tactical discussion
Team ciba
Organisation Hans Mager at the presentation
4th: Schäfer - de Jong - Hekerle - Cin 3rd: van Rhee - Loenen - Dericks - Ooms
2nd: Vloemans - Crols - Daelman - Bax 1st: Ahrens - Grewatsch - Singer - Kohlmeier

The results:

  team MP SV %
1. Germany 16 17:11 61,5
2. Belgium 16 16:12 61,1
3. Netherlands 8 12:17 55,7
4. CIBA 8 12:17 55,0