French ranking 2023/24

rank name Corbeil Essones Florange Morangis TOTAL*
1. Michael HAMMEN 337 355 395 750
2. Anthony MARIN 329 315 377 706
3. Olivier LACROIX 317 376 329 705
4. Bastien PANIS 312 371 294 683
5. Kevin TRAN 331 266 332 663
6. Jean REVERCHON 321 309 330 651
7. Benoit CLEMENT 263 - 314 577
8. Alain LAVOCAT 298 254 276 574
9. Emmanuel NIRIGE 265 262 248 527
10. Richard ISAAC 226 - 238 464
11. Satoshi ASHITATE 150 233 222 455
12. Claude PACETTI 193 199 219 418
13. Michel PARRA 142 181   323
14. Jean-Claude PAQUET 129 - 144 273
15. Frederic VITTORI 107 - 138 245
16. Jean-Paul BERTHON 108 - 103 211
17. Madou TOURÉ     245 245
18. Matthieu FRANCK - 216   216

* For the Total ranking the best 2 results and the number of played tournaments will count.
The 8 best will play the French Championships.
9-16 are qualified to play the "Challenge Maurice Coyret".